Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Amelia's First Bath- 7/20/09

Ok...so here I am trying to catch up on my blog! Yes, on July 20th, 2009...Amelia survived her first bath at home! She didn't like it much at all...but we are working on it. She did enjoy being in the big bath tub much better than her own...so that might be the secret.

Today, Amelia is just over 5 weeks old...she is doing well and weighs almost 8 lbs! She is growing and developing more and more. She takes nice long naps now and only wakes once in the middle of the night (usually) and then again in the early morning. She loves being swaddled and enjoys her heart-beat bear...it helps soothe her back to sleep. She enjoys car rides as long as the car keeps moving. She doesn't quite yet like her swing, but she does enjoy her vibrating seat. She is super strong....holds her head up at a 45 degree angle for several seconds...while looking around at her surroundings. Her legs are still very long...and strong! She kicks my stomach and bounces off of mommy and daddy's lap when help upright. She still has lots of brown hair that usually sticks straight up....and her eyes are becoming more blue. She's adorable and we love her more and more every day.

Yesterday...she had her first smile for Mommy and for Grandmom Sandee. It was really exciting! Mommy and Amelia are taking more walks and even small outings....(I am braver now to take her out solo!)
Right now she is wide awake talking...more like grunting and cooing to her bear mobile in her pack and play.
Maybe tmw..I'll post some 1 month old pics. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. We are doing well and going day by day. God is good...God is great!
Love, Melissa