Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day & 30.5 weeks along!

I was hoping to post on Sunday, but Happy Mother's Day to everyone! I am now officially 30.5 weeks pregnant. The countdown
begins...About 8 weeks left....maybe less...maybe more??

I enjoyed my weekend with my mom and sister as we celebrated Mother's Day. Also, Aimee was the closest to guessing the name of our baby girl, so she wins! The prize ? Hmmm....A big hug and lots of smiles....until we go and visit her for some newborn photos! Our daughter's name will be Amelia. We are still going back and forth for a middle name. I"ll let you know! Below are some up close 'n personal belly pics as well as family photos from Mother's Day.

This Saturday, David and I will be going to have a 3-D ultrasound. Hopefully she won't be too big and we'll be able to sneak a peek...although I'm just mostly concerned about verifying her gender and I'm less concerned about her features... We just want a healthy and happy baby! She has been doing many turns and twists and still enjoys sleeping sideways inside my belly. The nurse said she might turn head down as soon as 32 weeks,but she's not ready yet!

David and I just had our 4th childbirth preperation class at WC Kaiser. Next Monday, we get to tour the hospital labor and delivery area. Exciting! It's getting down to the tail end of everything. I am blessed to have such wonderful support from my family and friends. I thank everyone for their thoughtfulness, prayers and advice during my pregnancy. Now, let's hope I can comfortably make it through the summer months. Luckily, I just picked up some maternity tanks....Yeah! I'll try to post every 1-2 weeks as I am getting closer.

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1 comment:

  1. Cordelia's runner up name was Amelia. A great choice.
